I bought this old table in a junk shop. 我在旧货店里买了这张旧桌子。
And in a tiny junk shop full of broken wands, lopsided brass scales, and old cloaks covered in potion stains they found Percy, deeply immersed in a small and deeply boring book called prefects who gained power. 在一家堆满破破烂烂的魔杖、摇摇晃晃的铜天平和药渍斑斑的旧斗篷的旧货铺里,他们发现珀西正在聚精会神地读一本非常枯燥的书:《级长怎样获得权力》。
And you are no true junk shopper if you march purposefully round the shop as if you knew exactly what you wanted. 而且如果你目标明确地在店里行进,好想你清楚知道你想要什么似的,那么你也不是一名合格的旧货买家。
Four days had gone past since the evening when he had run into her outside the junk shop. 自从那天晚上他在那家旧货铺门口碰到她以来已有四天了。
If there was no good texture of the old furniture can use, might as well go see antique furniture store, or junk flow shop, maybe he fled to another family of family heirloom. 如果家里没有很好质地的老家具可供运用,不妨去看看古董家具店,或旧货流转商店里,说不定就逃到了另一户人家的传家宝。
She came across a valuable vase in a junk shop. 她在一家卖废物的店里偶然发现一个很有价值的花瓶。
In a junk shop, you must browse and nibble here and there at a sight or a touch of the goods that lie about you. 在旧货店里,你需要慢慢浏览,看到或者摸到周边的东西时也不要急着下决心购买。
A junk shop may have four walls and a roof, or it may be no more than a trestle table in an open air market; 一家旧货店有可能有东南西北墙加一个屋顶,或者它有可能只是在一个坦荡的市场里放了一张搁板桌。
For in a true junk shop, not even the proprietor is always quite sure what his dusty stock conceals. 置身于一家真正的旧货店中,甚至店主都常常对自己蒙尘的存货中究竟隐藏着什么不甚明了。
Or, better, he should put on his oldest clothes and go off in search of a junk shop. 或者,更好的方法是,他应该穿上他最旧的衣服,然后去旧货商店搜索一番。
Years ago, I found it in a little junk shop outside reno. 几年前,我在里诺的旧货店找到的。
I followed him from the junk yard to the pawn shop to the race track. 我跟着他到过垃圾场,当铺,还有赛马场。
This is the other great attraction of the true junk shop. 这就是真正的旧货店的另一番魅力。
I stumbled across this silver bracelet in the junk shop down the road. 我在马路边的那家旧货商店里,无间中发现了这个银手镯。